Are you ready to step into a new depth of relationship with Jesus? This book and course will lead you step by step in that dance of relationship with Him. Living an Immanuel Life - a God-with-us life - 24/7, 365 days a year requires practice and guidance. The author is with you every step of the way in 10 video lessons with a guided Engage Emmanuel prayer video in each of them. There's so much more in the course than was possible to share in the book and you have the author as your personal guide. Expect to be blessed and changed as you move through the course, becoming more and more fully alive in Christ as you do!
If you don't have the book yet you can get it here:
Course Curriculum
- Introduction to this Course
- Session 1 -F-Fully Alive Woman, Ch.1 The Encounter
- Session 2 - U-Understanding Your Story, Ch.2 The Backstory
- Session 3 - L-Looking for the Better Way, Ch.3 The Better Way
- Session 4 - L - Learning the Dance, Ch.4 The Invitation to the Dance
- Session 5 - Y - You Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit, Ch.5 The Virtues, Part 1
- Session 6 - A - Adding to Your Relationships -Ch.6 The Virtues Part 2
- Session 7 - L - Living Nobly - Ch.7 The Virtues Part 3
- Session 8 - I - Infusing Strengths of Character , Ch.8 - The Virtues Part 4
- Session 9 - V - Virtues Combined, Ch.9 - The Finale-Fully Alive (3:40)
- Session 10 - E - Evaluate - Ch.10 Where Are You Now?
- Epilogue: A Promise for You!
Meet Terri Sullivant!
Terri is an author, coach, speaker and pastor who has been learning the dance of relationship with Jesus since 1974. She has a heart to see women become mature in Christ, to understand all that is available to us through Christ in us. Through this course, she hopes that you will all become women of wisdom, able to overcome and grow in character through all of life's ups and downs. She will personally lead you as you grow in living an Immanuel Life. She wrote the book, The Divine Invitation:Entering the Dance of Becoming Fully Alive, in hopes that you will all become the fully alive, fearless and free women God has destined you to be!

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